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Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the website of Alvar Peru S.A.C.

Terms of Use Revision Policy: 

Alvar Peru S.A.C. may at any time revise these Terms and Conditions by updating this posting.  By using this site, you agree to be bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to determine the then-current Terms and Conditions to which you are bound.

Weights and Measures Policy:

Alvar Peru S.A.C. provides approximate values for the weight or size of the items for sale on this Site.


Copyright Protection Policy: 

The copyright on all material provided on this site, including all images, is held by Alvar Peru S.A.C. or by the original creator of the material.  None of the material may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Gemrock Peru S.A.C. or the copyright owner; provided, however, that permission is granted to display, copy, distribute and download the materials on this Site for personal, non-commercial use only provided the materials are not modified and all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the materials are retained.  This permission terminates automatically upon the breach of any of these terms or conditions at which time any downloaded and/or materials printed from the Site must be immediately destroyed.


Privacy policies


Alvar Peru S.A.C. ensures the maximum reservation and protection of personal data for users (“Users”) of our website, located at the electronic address


At Alvar Peru S.A.C., we are aware of the importance of the privacy of our clients and followers and of all those who are interested in our work; In short, of our users. Being consistent with this consideration, we are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting the confidentiality of your private information and personal data. That is why the objective of this privacy policy is to inform the users of the website how the personal data that is provided by them is collected, processed, and protected. 

Private personal information does not include information that is available through public sources, which are any means of electronic communication and other technology designed to provide information to the public and being open to general consultation, like telephone directories, newspapers and magazines, social media, professional lists, directories of anonymized jurisprudence, the Public Registries administered by the National Superintendency of Public Registries as well as any other registry or data bank qualified as public according to law, Public Administration entities in relation to the information that must be delivered in application of the Law Nº 27806, Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information.


Following Law N ° 29733 – Law of Protection of Personal Data and its Regulation, approved by Supreme Decree No. 003-2013-JUS, personal data is understood as all information about a natural person that identifies or makes it identifiable through means that can be reasonably used.

Processing of Personal Data is any operation or technical procedure, automated or otherwise, that allows the collection, registration, organization, storage, conservation, processing, modification, extraction, consultation, use, blocking, deletion, communication by transfer or dissemination or any other form of processing that facilitates the access, correlation or interconnection of personal data.

Alvar Peru S.A.C. develops its policy of processing personal data in accordance with the guiding principles established in Law No. 29733 on the Protection of Personal Data and therefore:

– In accordance with the principle of legality, the collection of personal data of our users is rejected by fraudulent, disloyal, or unlawful means.

– In accordance with the principle of consent, in the processing of the personal data of our users, their consent will be mediated.

– The personal data of our users will be collected for a specific purpose, explicit and lawful, and will not be extended to another purpose that has not been unequivocally established as such at the time of collection, excluding the cases of activities of historical value, statistical or scientific when a dissociation or anonymization procedure is used.

– All treatment of the personal data of our users will be adequate, relevant, and not excessive for the purpose for which they were collected.

– The personal data that will be processed will be truthful, accurate, and, as far as possible, up-to-date, necessary, pertinent, and adequate with respect to the purpose for which they were collected. They will be kept in such a way that their safety is guaranteed and only for the time necessary to comply with the purpose of the treatment.

– Alvar Peru S.A.C. and, where applicable, those responsible for processing, adopt the necessary technical, organizational, and legal measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of personal data.

Alvar Peru S.A.C. has the appropriate security measures and in accordance with the treatment to be carried out and with the category of personal data in question.

– Alvar Peru S.A.C. informs its users of the existence of administrative channels to assert their rights to exercise before the National Data Protection Authority or jurisdictional before the Judiciary for the purposes of the corresponding habeas data.

– Alvar Peru S.A.C. guarantees the adequate level of protection of the personal data of our users for the cross-border flow of personal data, with a minimum of protection comparable to that provided by this Law or by international standards in the matter.


By using this website, you accept the terms of use and the personal data processing policy. If you do not agree with these terms of use and this policy, please do not use this site, or access the information or services provided by this website or provide your personal information.

When you access this website or when you consult the information contained in it, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted each and every one of the terms and conditions and the personal data treatment policy detailed below. Similarly, check this document periodically for the use of the Website. Alvar Peru S.A.C. reserves the right to change, modify, add, or delete the information contained in this website at any time and without prior notice.

In accordance with Law 29733, Law on Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the personal data collected through this website are protected and will be stored in a database managed by the Alvar Peru S.A.C.

You authorize Alvar Peru S.A.C. or the company we designate, located or not in the national territory, to carry out the processing of your personal data for the purpose contained in this website. This treatment may consist of the registration, storage, modification, use, and/or any other form of processing of your data.

In the same way, the user declares and acknowledges that the acceptance of these Conditions, as well as the mere access and/or use of the Site, implies the authorization to the Alvar Peru S.A.C.  so that they can call or send text messages (SMS) and/or WhatsApp or Telegram messages or other means of chatting on mobile telephones and/or emails provided by the User with informative, advertising and/or promotional content regarding any goods and/or services marketed by Alvar Peru S.A.C., as well as for information purposes and/or search for donations. In this sense, the User declares and acknowledges that said type of communications will be considered requested information and, in that sense, under no circumstances may SPAM or commercial information not requested be considered in the terms referred to in Law No. 28493 and its regulations. Likewise, the user declares and recognizes that this authorization will prevail over any registration made in the INDECOPI not to receive advertising content within the framework of the Consumer Protection Law, whose TUO was approved by Supreme Decree No. 006-2009-PCM. In accordance with the provisions of the applicable sector regulations, Alvar Peru S.A.C.  is obliged to meet the information requirements that may be formulated by the competent authorities in relation to the user’s personal data.

Although Alvar Peru S.A.C. adopts all the technical measures at its disposal to provide the security of the case, the User accepts and knows that any communications service, access, or messages transmitted by the Internet or that come from or are sent from this Site is subject to the vulnerability of the means used for access via the Internet, for which Alvar Peru S.A.C. warns of this and the user assumes the entire risk, releasing from any responsibility to Alvar Peru S.A.C., from the possibility or fact that communications may be intercepted by third parties, without your consent.

To revoke your authorization or exercise other rights established in Law 29733, you can contact the e-mail:

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