Bulk Crystal and Rough Rock Wholesale
We are offering the crystals and minerals on this page in bulk sale quantities of a minimum of 100 kg.
Scroll down to see pyrite bulk wholesale and further down for other stones.
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Pyrite Bulk Wholesale

Pyrite Bulk Crystals
We are offering pyrite bulk crystals in the following qualities:
- Massive Pyrite
- Quinoa Quality
- Chispa (Spark) Quality
- Chispa Top (Tops Spark) Quality
- Cocada Quality
- Pyrite grains
- Pyrite Dust
For more details on our qualities, read below:

Pyrite Carvings
Given the fact that the Peruvian lapidary industry is nearly 100% based on shadow business, we have never offered bulk carvings before. Instead, we have produced in-house only catering to the nitch of ethically minded top-quality crystal lovers.
However, over the last two years, the Peruvian tax office has been cracking down on shadow businesses, which slowly forces artisan lapidary workshops to legalize their business.
This allows us to work with them, without missing out on our company’s core-values. We are supporting some of those businesses to come clean and become legal.
Therefore, we can now offer bulk pyrite carvings for a more economical pricing but at a lower quality than our carving products.
All About Pyrite
See this video to learn more about how to identify Pyrite quality:
The quality grading of pyrite is very complicated given the fact that:
- Pyrite price per kilo is NOT determined by the size of the cluster, but by the size of the crystals on a cluster.
- Bulk and collectors levels are differentiated by the amount of damage on the cluster.
- Pyrite has 3 main crystal shapes and many intermediary shapes, all priced differently.
- Pyrite occurs in combination with many other minerals (all priced differently)
Our Crystal Qualities
Massive Pyrite
āMassive pyriteā in fact is the interior of big broken Pyrite cubes. The cubic pyrite crystals are grown masses that have no drusis inside. They are sold in sizes of around 3 cm (compared with a small Peruvian lemon). Massive Pyrite is comparatively rare and therefore sold at higher prices than pyrite with druses and small crystals.

Quinoa Pyrite & Chispa (Spark) Pyrite
Pyrite with many small drusis and covered with the smallest crystals
Quinoa Pyrite clusters show crystals of around 1 mm in size (similar to sand grains.
Chispa (Spark) Pyrite features on its cluster crystals of 1-3 mm size.
Top spark (Chispa resaltada)
Pyrite with many drusis and covered in small crystals of an average size of 3 to 6 mm (comparatively the size of a rice grain).

Regular Cocada
Pyrite with many drusis and showing a high number of crystals of an average size of 6 mm to 1 cm. Not all the crystals on the rock have to have this size. Many times, bigger crystals are surrounded by crystals the size of a spark or highlighted spark.
First Class Cocada (Cocada resaltada)
Pyrite with many drusis and covered in crystals of an average size of 8 mm to 1.5 cm.

Warning: Only work with Peruvian Dealers you can trust in
It is an unwritten marketing law, not to talk badly about the competition. However, as an ethically minded business, we have no other choice than to make you aware of a few facts:
There are a number of international wholesalers (especially from India and China – no offense intended), who believe that the kilo price for bulk pyrite can be negotiated further down and they implement fierce negotiating pressure on providers like us. But there is a limit to all negotiations. To comply with so-called “best prices” and still make a profit, Peruvian sellers have developed several methods to save money and cheat on their clients.
The following practices are commonplace:
Save money on cleaning: Pyrite comes from the mine very dirty and has to be passed through several cleaning steps in different acids. Only a good cleaning process will ensure that the pyrite stays shiny for a long time. Dealers save money by:
- using watered down weaker acids
- make fewer cleaning steps and clean superficially
- dont let the crystals dry out sufficient time after the cleaning process
All this will result in a cheaper price, but your pyrite will get dull and dark after only a few months.
Save money by upgrading low-quality crystals: Dealers for example use quinoa quality, mix in a small percentage of chispa (spark) pyrite, and sell the entire lot as 100% spark pyrite.
Save even more money, by mixing in toxic pyrite: Pyrite from Peru should always come from Huanzala mine which is the pyrite with the least amount of toxic arsenic.

Be Aware of Toxic Pyrite
There are Peruvian companies, that do mix Pyrite from Trujillo province or from Morococha mine with real Huanzala pyrite and then sell the entire lot as Huanzala pyrite.
Such pyrite has a very high content of arsenic and is a toxic material, that may put the health of your clients at risk.
At first glance, objectsĀ may look the same as Huanzala pyrite.Ā However, you can easily distinguish both: Have a look atĀ unpolished parts. While Huanzala pyrite has aĀ clean golden color, Trujillo pyrite showsĀ black patches.
After just a few months, the shine of the pyrite will disappear andĀ the material will blacken. This material is not only a danger to health it will also lead toĀ complaints from your clients and damage your companiesā image.
In Gemrock Peru we do NOT engage in such practices:
- We sell 100% quinoa or 100% chispa – no mixes allowed. In the rare case that a wholeseller insists on a lower price we can offer mixes, but in this case we do declare in full transparency how many percent of each quality is mixed in.
- We never sell toxic pyrite
- We never compromise on cleaning.
Other Rocks and Minerals we wholesale at bulk price:
Peruvian Quantum Cuatro
Cherry Blossom Stone (Cinnabrite)
Banded Aragonite
Morning Rose Granite
Peruvian Tiger Aragonite
Coati Aragonite
Green Jade (Nephrite)
Peruvian Black Jade
Get in Touch
+51 994104206