Ethical Peruvian Pink Opal Crystals

About Ethical Pink Opal Crystals
What are ethical Pink Opal Crystals? Even though pink opal is classed in the group of “common” opals (because it does not show an internal play-of-color but is of opaque color), there is nothing common about pink opal. In fact, pink opal is a very rare color variety of opal only found in the Peruvian Desert. Furthermore, the mines are located only in a small area of a few hills near Ica, Peru.
Opal is a hydrated amorphous form of silica; its water content may range from 3 to 21% by weight but is usually between 6 and 10%. Because of its amorphous character, it is classed as a mineraloid, unlike crystalline forms of silica, which are classed as minerals. It is deposited at a relatively low temperature and may occur in the fissures of almost any kind of rock. Opal is softer and more easily chipped than most other popular gemstones. It has a hardness of about 5.5 to 6.0 on the Mohs hardness scale.
Are Pink Opal Crystals always pink?

Pink opal veins are named like this according to the most beautiful color they can have (rose-colored to strong pink). Uniform strong pink colorations like in this picture of a top-quality natural piece of a vein are only used for premium jewelry production and are sold at the mine at up to 1.000,- USD per kilo. Most of these top-quality veins range from 5 – 10 mm in thickness (1/5th to 2/5th of an inch). A 2 cm layer like in the picture is an even greater rarity.
Even the thickest pink opal vein will not surpass 6 cm thickness (2.3 inches). All the pink opal veins with a thickness of 1 cm to 6 cm are almost always mixtures of many colors from white, to the faintest rose colors, to strong pinks, also yellow, black, brown, fleshy colors, and
many more shades. Finally, they are mixed with matrix rock. Those boulder color mixes are the ones used for “cheaper” ethical pink opal crystals and carvings like hearts, spheres, pyramids, etc. instead of jewelry.
Here is a range of colors you can find in good quality boulder pink opal:

Be aware of low-quality Pink Opal Crystals
The high demand for pink opal, the low extraction in a handful of small artisan mines, and the lack of knowledge in the typical crystal buyer have led to the sale of very low-grade material. This material has several problems in terms of quality:
1. It does not have the porcelain-like structure and surface of high-quality pink opal, but is coarse and porous instead. As a result, it is not possible to polish this material well. Even if it sometimes has a strong rose color it will never get to the glassy gloss we like so much in good-quality pink opal.
2. Often, it is mixed with large parts of ugly chalky white or brown matrix material, that does not polish well.
3. The colors of this material are often rather brownish than pinkish and it resembles the look of a yogurt rather than an opal (actually we carvers use the term yogurt for this material when we find it in a rough rock delivery and sort it out to be rejected).
Here are some examples of such low-grade cheap material coming from some of the pink opal mines:

It should not be necessary to state, but: At Gemrock we are not using such material anymore.

Top-quality Premium-cut Pink Opal Cabochons
Only our most experienced master carvers take part in Gemrocks´ cabochon and jewelry production. Indeed, it takes many months of training to be able to produce a flawless premium-cut cabochon.
Additionally, our raw material quality standards are probably the world’s highest. As a result, only about 25 % of the rough rock coming from the mine is considered jewelry-grade.
Check our professional Pink Opal Gemstone Quality Standard and avoid wasting your money on low-grade material.
Contact us for custom production of your cabochon and jewelry designs.
If you are a jewelry maker looking for top-quality cabochons check out our stock:

Top-quality Pink Opal Jewelry
As of 2025 Gemrock in cooperation with our associated gold- and silversmith Herdel SAC offers you a huge variety of top-quality crystal jewelry in gold and silver.
Apart from our designs, we offer personalized custom jewelry production for everyone (shops and retail clients). Contact us:

Why Gemrock Pink Opal Crystal Products are truly ethical:
Founded in 2017 by biologist and professional nature conservationist Stefan Austermühle, Gemrock was born to be more than just a crystal wholesale business. As a result, Nature conservation and ethical workers’ treatment throughout the entire production chain are at the core of our business. We are changing the crystal industry for the better one crystal at a time.
- We do not source our raw materials from conflict areas, from mines that employ children, from drug production areas, or mining that finances genocide and civil war.
- All our gemstones, silver, and gold come from legal sources. We do not support illegal mining or shadow business.
- Our entire production (crystal carving, silver and goldsmithing, as well as jewelry production is in-house. We control 100% of the production chain.
- Gemrock employees are paid fair salaries higher than the industry average. They are hired under legal labor contracts with all legally required labor benefits. Excellent work is motivated with bonuses and our employees get a share of the company’s annual profits.
- Hiring is independent of any non-work related factors (gender, skin color, nationality, or else). Only knowledge and labor quality do matter.
- We offer our employees safe labor conditions.
- Saving water and energy, and re-using and recycling materials to the maximum is an ongoing effort.
- We constantly measure our carbon footprint and neutralize our climate impact by financing a tree-planting project.
The maximum possible transparency is Gemrocks’ most important communication rule. You can find ample information about our ethical business in our blog (on this website) and on all of our social networks. For more details on our ethical standards, read here:
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