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Gemstone Quality Standard


The mineral pyrite, or iron pyrite, is an iron sulfide with the formula FeS2. Pyrite is very common and present in any country. However, when it comes to pyrite collectors’ crystals and pyrite for jewelry, Peruvian pyrite probably covers 90 % of the global market. In Peru, the best pyrite comes from the Huanzala mine.

Pyrite is possibly the most underrated jewelry material. This is because most Pyrite jewelry is made from very low-quality material. This quality standard aims to improve the image we have about Pyrite and increase its use for jewelry.


Pyrite is called “Fool’s Gold” because it resembles gold to the untrained eye. Pyrite is a brassy yellow or pale gold opaque stone with a metallic luster and tones of yellow, brown, and grey. 

Pyrite Crystal Quality

Pyrite crystal quality is determined by two criteria:  size of the crystals and level of damage on crystal clusters. It is important to note the following definitions before reading this standard:

Pyrite crystal: a single crystal in  3 main shapes: cube, octahedron, or pyritohedron

Crystal cluster: a piece of pyrite that has many crystals on it.

Having that in mind, the quality of a pyrite piece does NOT depend on the size of the stone or crystal cluster. It depends on the average size of the crystals that are grouped together (clustered) on the crystal cluster (or stone).

Quinoa Quality

Quinoa Quality is the lowest quality of Pyrite and should not be used for jewelry. In this quality level, the pyrite crystals on the cluster are around 1 mm in size (the size of a quinoa grain). 

Chispa Quality

Chispa Quality displays crystals that are on average 1-3 mm in size. Chispa (=Spark) can be used for polished cabochons with drusis filled with crystals or as crystal cluster cab (see below). It is important to only use pieces that do not show damaged crystals.

Top Chispa Quality

Top Chispa Quality displays crystals that are on average 4-6 mm in size. Top Chispa makes for beautiful crystal surface cabochons. It is important to only use pieces that do not show damaged crystals.

Cocada Quality

Cocada Quality displays crystals that are on average 6 to 10 mm in size. Cocada can be used for oustanding and unique jewelry pieces. It will be nearly impossible to find two pieces that would look alike.  It is important to only use pieces that do not show damaged crystals.

Coco Quality

Coco Quality displays crystals that are on average bigger than 10 mm in size. In most cases, pieces made from this Pyrite quality would be too heavy and too big for jewelry. But in certain cases, it might be used for exemptional pieces. It is important to only use pieces that do not show damaged crystals.

Types of pyrite jewelry

In the following, we will show the different types of jewelry on the market:

Sterling silver moon pendant with crushed pyrite crystals

Pyrite grains

Coarse grains of pyrite are often used glued on metal (like on the Gemrock Silver Moon Pendant) or in mini-bottle pendants (like the Gemrock Mini Bottles with sterling silver charms)

Master Cabochon made from Pyrite

Chispa Pyrite Cabochons

This type of cabochon is made from Chispa-quality rocks. A polished cab that has drusis filled with Chispa crystals (crystals of 1-3 mm in size)

Look for mirror-like polish, like on this Gemrock  Cabochon, and nice undamaged crystals in the holes.

Pyrite Crystal Surface

Crystal Cluster Cabochons

Cabochons that display a more or less straight surface of a crystal cluster. To be jewelry-grade the crystal size should be either Chispa (upper left cab) or Top Chispa Quality (lower right cab). Quinoa Quality is not adequate for jewelry. It is important that the entire crystal cluster surface does NOT show any damage. Damaged crystals should be discarded from use for jewelry. Also, in quality cabochons like these Gemrock Cabs, the sides (Bezel) must be polished to mirror-finish.

Pyrite sticker earring

Simple but beautiful Gemrock Pyrite Ear studs, featuring a single Pyritohedron crystal.

Sterling silver ring with Pyrite crystal

A gemrock Pyrite Ring crowned by a cluster of big and rare octahedron Pyrite crystals.

Sterling silver ring with Pyrite crystal

This Gemrock Pyrite ring features a cluster of big pyrite crystals. The underside of the cluster  (visible in the upper part of the picture) has been polished to mirror-finish.

You can buy our finished top-quality cabochons for jewelry makers.

National and international shipping from our US-based warehouse.

Cabochons made from single crystals

Miners often find big but very damaged pyrite crystals. They are damaged naturally or during the mining process and are not useful for sale to specimen collectors anymore. Such broken crystals are then sold as “solid” Pyrite for jewelry production. The lapidary cutter will then cut off the crystal surface and use the internal mass of the crystal for cabbing. As this pyrite is the internal mass of a single crystal, it is solid and does not contain drusis.

Marcasite Cabochons

Marcasite jewelry is made using cut and polished pieces of pyrite as gemstone, and not, as the name suggests, from marcasite. Pyrite is more stable and less brittle than marcasite. Marcasite can also react with moisture to form sulfuric acid. 

The so-called “Marcasite jewelry” is frequently made by setting small pieces of faceted pyrite into silver. Cheaper costume jewelry is made by gluing pieces of pyrite rather than setting them.

Thailand is one of the largest producers of modern marcasite jewellery in silver. Marcasite jewellery has been made since the time of the ancient Greeks. It was particularly popular in the eighteenth century, the Victorian era and with Art Nouveau jewellery designers.

Solid Pyrite

Cabochons made from solid Pyrite

These cabochons are not facetted but cut in the classical “cabochon” style from solid pyrite (the inner mass of a big crystal). If you are looking for quality, watch out for a mirror polish like on these Gemrock Cabs. While tiny pores unavoidably appear from time to time in such cabs, the best quality is the one with no such pores.

Striated Pyrite crystal surface

A new style of unique jewelry: Crystal Surface Cabs

At Gemrock we are promoting a new style of Pyrite cabs. In order to obtain the inner mass of pyrite crystals for marcasite jewelry, gem cutters discard the natural surface of these big damaged crystals. However, nature has created unique 3D landscapes on those crystal surfaces. At Gemrock we are harvesting this natural beauty by slicing off these surfaces and using them to make unique jewelry pieces displaying the natural shine of pyrite crystals.

Nature provides us with 4 different surface styles, each with its own natural charm:

Striated Pyrite crystal surface

Mirror style

Big pyrite crystals often show a natural mirrorlike polish on their surface, often interrupted only by striation lines. The most common cause of striations is the convergence of two crystal faces. One of the faces gets truncated or “overtaken” by the other, but manages to leave its mark in the form of an edge or stria.

Pyrite re-crystalisation surface

Re-crystalization Surface

When Pyrite crystals do break off naturally, nature starts re-crystallizing the broken surface leading to an irregular mirrorlike surface. 


Bauhaus Style pendant made from Sterling silver and Pyrite Crystal
Cabochon made from the surface of pyrite crystal
Bauhaus Style pendant made from Sterling silver and Pyrite Crystal
3D Pyrite crystal surface

Fractured Surface (3D)

Some crystals display a strongly fractured surface, creating a unique cubic 3D surface.

Cabochon made from the surface of pyrite crystal
Bauhaus Style pendant made from Sterling silver and Pyrite Crystal
Cabochon made from the surface of pyrite crystal
Cabochon made from the surface of pyrite crystal

Landscape style (3D)

The fourth type of crystal surface resembles 3D landscapes with valleys and mountains.


You can buy our finished top-quality cabochons for jewelry makers.

National and international shipping from our US-based warehouse.

Material Fusions

Material Fusions are a very uncommon, but nevertheless very attractive style, of Pyrite jewelry. The combination with another stone is not only esthetic, it often provides strength and stability to the brittle pyrite (like in the center picture below).

Royal pearl made by Gemrock - Pyrite with lapis Lazuli

The Gemrock "Royal Pearl"

“Royal Pearls” are a Gemrock design featuring the fusion of two colorful stones (Here: lapis lazuli and pyrite) into a huge pearl that can be used as a stand-alone center-piece on a chain or on a bracelet, was well as in combination with other elements.

Pyrite Crystal Cluster pendant reinforced by lapis lazuli backing

Lapis backed Pyrite pendant

In this simple rectangular Gemrock Bauhaus-style pyrite pendant, the pyrite crystal cluster would have been too brittle to withstand the use of a pendant and would have broken in a very short time. Backing it with a robust stone that at the same time provides a noble color contrast, was the ideal solution to produce a long-lasting beautiful, and modern pendant.

Material-Fusion gone wrong

While the design idea of the ring is beatiful, the implementation lacks mastership and quality. The side (bezel) of the pyrite crown could use a better polish. The two pieces do not fit exactly on each other and between the two stones is an irregular space. Also the whole in the side of the pyrite crown reduces the beauty of the piece. ladt but not least, the crystal surface is damaged, probably low quality quinoa-grade material.

Watch out for fake Pyrite jewelry!

Pyrite bracelets are widely sold, and especially in the spiritual realm promoted as good for obtaining wealth. Most of these cheap bracelets are produced in India. Real Indian pyrite is a solid and dark grey pyrite (left image below), which does not compare to the beauty of polished Peruvian Pyrite.

If you buy a bracelet with grey-looking non-shiny pyrite you can assume with reason that it is real. If you see, however, really golden-looking very shiny “pyrite” bracelets (right image below), then don’t believe a word, because this is fake pyrite.

Indian Pyrite Crystal Bracelet made in India

Real Indian Pyrite

Golden Pyrite Bracelet made in India

Fake Indian Pyrite

Watch out for damaged Crystals!

Pyrite is mined with dynamite. It is then collected in sacks and transported to the cutting shops in Lima, Peru, or even further to India. During this process, it is not an exaggeration to assume that 99.9 percent of the pyrite clusters are getting damaged at least in parts. For jewelry, this is not a huge problem as cabochons are very small and when obtaining a big load of pyrite rough rock it is fairly easy to select pieces that have intact crystal surfaces big enough to provide very beautiful jewelry. Those intact parts can then be extracted from the stone and used for jewelry.

Jewelry has to be beautiful, otherwise, it is not jewelry. Damaged crystals are just not acceptable for jewelry. Would you buy a cracked and damaged diamond, ruby, or smaragd? Why should it be different for pyrite?

Sadly we are observing that at present nobody cares. Nearly all of the pyrite jewelry offered in global online stores and websites was made with damaged crystals that should have never made it to jewelry. The only way to improve the quality of Pyrite jewelry is through education. See the following pictures and learn how to avoid ugly low-quality pyrite, not being worth your money.

Bad quality Pyrite jewelry made from Quinoa grade pyrite

Ugly Quinoa-pyrite

Super ugly uncleaned quinoa-grade pyrite without any nice crystal formations. A raw piece like this has a market value of 6 cents of a dollar in the mine. A little bit of cheap fake silver wire around it and then its sold for 10, 20 or 30 USD on Etsy, supposedly a catch, but nothing else than consumer fraud. 

Ugly Quinoa Pyrite Ring

Another example for a ugly quinoa-grade pyrite surface with no crystal formation at all. Additionally this pyrite has not even been cleaned, showing brownish oxide dirt (in the circle)

Ugly Cabs

Uncleaned ugly Pyrite cabs with no crystal formation on the surface and an unpolished side (bezel). Pieces like this are not adequate for jewelry. They can be produced in 5 minutes by any beginner carver and should not be worth more than a few cents (in case you insist on using them). 

Bad quality Pyrite jewelry made from Quinoa grade pyrite

Damaged Pyrite cluster

While one side of pyrite cluster shows a nice cubic crystal formation of top-chispa grade, the upper half is completely damage material with no crystal formation at all.

Damaged Pyrite pendant

The upper part of this pendant is completely damaged.

Damaged Pyrite Earrings

50% of the pyrite surface of each earring is fully damaged, not showing any crystal formation.

Bad quality Pyrite jewelry made from Quinoa grade pyrite

Cabochon with damaged pyrite

The crystal cluster surface of this cab shows a lot of damage. 

Damaged Pyrite ring

A third of the crystal surface is damaged

Damaged Pyrite pendant

Damaged Pyrite Earrings

While this pyrite pendant, at first glance, shows nice cubic pyrite crystals, at closer inspection several damaged parts are easy to spot. Another piece of pyrite crystal that should have never become a jewelry piece. 

Watch out for low polishing quality!

Pyrite contains up to 50% iron. Therefore, it behaves differently when polished, than other stones in lapidary production. Experienced gem cutters like the ones of Gemrock are able to adapt to this metallic material and reach a mirror polish. If your pyrite cabochon does not show such mirror-surface it is not a quality polish.

Cabochon made from the surface of pyrite crystal

Mirror polish - as it should be

Have a look at the side (bezel) of this Gemrock Pyrite Cabochon and observe the highly polished mirrorlike surface.

Your Title Goes Here

The cabochon in this ring has a completely unpolished side. This was simply ground off with a very rough 40-grit diamond wheel. Again, no more than 5 minutes of work and not worth more than a few cents of a dollar (if we talk about a fair price for the lack of quality).

Another ugly one

Again another unpolished side (not even straight) ground off with a rough 40-grit wheel. Additionally, the points of the crystals are damaged.

Cutting Quality


Pyrite is a fairly soft material, easy to cut. However, “solid” Pyrite (like used for marcasite jewelry) comes with internal cracks and tiny pores. On one hand, this can lead to breakage, but more often the tiny pores reduce the beauty of the cabochon. The appearance of pores can not be foreseen and it will only appear during the cutting process. Such cabs are still looking very beautiful and can be used for cheaper jewelry.

When working with Chispa pyrite and crystal cluster surface the thickness of the material is irregular and, below the surface, the material can have small crystal drusis. this weakens the material and leads to increased breakage and material loss during the cutting and polishing process.

Polishing pyrite requires a different process than for regular stones, given the metallic nature of pyrite. Not many gem cutters have experience with polishing pyrite the right way.


Pyrite does not tend to chip. Experienced cutters therefore can obtain very sharp unchipped edges between the backside and bezel as well as between the bezel and dome.

Top-cutting-quality is characterized by:

  • a polished backside
  • a sharp unchipped edge between the backside and the bezel
  • a very straight and even highly polished bezel
  • a sharp unchipped edge between the bezel and the dome
  • a well-shaped dome, not showing any deformation
  • Top-quality metallic mirror polish


Adequate pricing must take into account the cost factors to obtain top-quality cabochons:

  • Acquisition of top-grade Pyrites
  • Selection of material without crystal damage and discarding more than 90 percent of the rough pyrite as unsuitable for jewelry.
  • A usual material loss of approximately 90 % of the selected material during the cutting and shaping process.
  • The level of experience required by a cutter to produce a flawlessly shaped and highly polished cabochon.

You can buy our finished top-quality cabochons for jewelry makers.

National and international shipping from our US-based warehouse.

The data in this sheet has been compiled by reviewing a great number of websites and sales platforms. 

Material quality:

The overwhelming majority of cabochons is made from low-grade and very damaged material that should not have been used for jewelry. 

Cutting quality:

The vast majority of “cabochons” on offer show very low cutting quality. 

Quality Grading

Most cabochons were offered as AA or AAA quality, which, obviously, does not represent the reality. Given the fact that there is no commonly accepted grading standard AA and AAA gradings are used as a marketing strategy without reflecting a real criteria of quality. This type of marketing must be viewed as misleading.


Given the low quality of most of the cabochons for sale, we did not evaluate pricing, because most of the material for sale does not compare with our material.

Cutting Quality:

  • Mirror polish
  • Straight bezel (minor irregularities possible), 3 mm high
  • Perfect dome (3-5 mm high)
  • Edges between bezel and dome, as well as bezel and backside: sharp and crispy, minor chips on lower edge possible
  • Backside flat at 280 grit, unpolished


Recommended Retail Prices (A):

Drusy Chispa Cabochons = 0.39 USD per carat

Chispa crystal surface cabochons = 0.69 USD per carat

Top-Chispa crystal surface cabochons = 0.79 USD per carat

Solid pyrite = 0.69 USD per carat

Cutting Quality:

  • Mirror Polish
  • Straight bezel, 3 mm high
  • Flat and perfect dome (3 mm high)
  • Edges between bezel and dome, as well as bezel and backside: sharp and crispy, minor chips on lower edge possible but very rare.
  • Backside flat, at 280 grit

Additional Quality (AA+): Backside polished to 3000 grit


Recommended Retail Prices:

Drusy Chispa Cabochons = 0.69 USD per carat

Chispa crystal surface cabochons = 0.99 USD per carat

Top-Chispa crystal surface cabochons = 1.09 USD per carat

Solid pyrite = 0.99 USD per carat

Crystal surface from big pyrite crystals (any of the four varieties): 1.29 USD per carat

For AA+ Quality add 10 cents per carat on top of the prices above.

Cutting Quality:

  • Only cut by our best master cutters
  • Mirror polish
  • Straight bezel, 3 mm high
  • Flat and perfect dome (1-3 mm high)
  • The edges between the bezel and dome, as well as the bezel and backside, are sharp and crispy, with no chips on the lower edge.

Additional Quality (AAA+): Backside polished to 3000 grit


Recommended Retail Prices:

Drusy Chispa Cabochons = 0.99 USD per carat

Chispa crystal surface cabochons = 1.29 USD per carat

Top-Chispa crystal surface cabochons = 1.39 USD per carat

Solid pyrite = 1.29 USD per carat

Crystal surface from big pyrite crystals (any of the four varieties): 1.59 USD per carat

For AAA+ Quality add 10 cents per carat on top of the above prices. 

Useful Information:

If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

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Aragonite heart horizontal cut
Aragonite heart
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Aragonite heart
Aragonite sphere
Aragonite sphere

Frequently Asked Questions about Pyrite Jewelry and Pyrite

How to avoid being scammed when buying Pyrite cabs and jewelry

If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

Can I wear pyrite while bathing?

No! No water activities! Pyrite contains iron, which can oxidize when exposed to water for long periods. Avoid wearing your ring, pendant, or bracelet while swimming or showering.

If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



    For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

    Is pyrite jewelry safe? Is pyrite safe on skin?

    The iron sulfate content of the pyrite can cause skin irritation, people with delicate skin conditions should carry it in a silver or gold setting and avoid direct contact with the skin.


    If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

    If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


    Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

    Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



      For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

      Is pyrite dangerous to wear? Is pyrite toxic to skin?

      The iron sulfate content of the pyrite can cause skin irritation, people with delicate skin conditions should carry it in a silver or gold setting and avoid direct contact with the skin.

      If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

      If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


      Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

      Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



        For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

        Can you wear pyrite every day? Who should not wear pyrite stone?

        The iron sulfate content of the pyrite can cause skin irritation, people with delicate skin conditions should carry it in a silver or gold setting and avoid direct contact with the skin.

        If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

        If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


        Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

        Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



          For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

          Where to buy pyrite jewelry?

          If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

          If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


          Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

          Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



            For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

            Where to buy pyrite crystals ? Best place to buy pyrite

            If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

            If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


            Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

            Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



              For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

              Pyrite Crystals for sale / pyrite cubes for sale

              If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

              If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


              Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

              Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



                For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

                Pyrite fool´s gold / pyrite vs gold

                Iron pyrite is also known as “Fool’s Gold” due to its resemblance to gold.

                If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

                If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


                Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

                Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



                  For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

                  Is pyrite toxic to humans?

                  The stone is included on lists of toxic minerals because it might contain small amounts of arsenic. Yes, It can contain some arsenic, but since the crystal is not soluble in water or hydrochloric acid it poses no risks when handled.

                  As a decorative item, Pyrite is quite safe to have in the home. When exposed to humid air, pyrite reacts with oxygen and water to create iron sulfide (the rust), corrosive sulfuric acid, and harmful sulfur dioxide gas. However, the amount is so small, that no health risk can be expected.

                  In jewelry, Pyrite is not dangerous, when set in Silver or gold to avoid direct skin contact.

                  If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

                  If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


                  Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

                  Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



                    For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

                    pyrite crystal meaning / pyrite metaphysical properties

                    Spiritually, pyrite is associated with grounding and protection. Pyrite is said to be a powerful protection stone that shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and/or energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. It is supposed to stimulate the intellect and enhance memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed. It is believed to create a shield of energy around the user, guarding against negative influences and energies.

                    Pyrite helps to balance the Throat Chakra and Heart Chakra. It helps to improve your focus, clarity, strength, energy, willpower, and confidence.

                    If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

                    If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


                    Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

                    Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



                      For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

                      What is pyrite used for ? Is pyrite useful for anything?

                      Pyrite remains in commercial use for the production of sulfur dioxide, for use in such applications as the paper industry, and in the manufacture of sulfuric acid.

                      If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

                      If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


                      Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

                      Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



                        For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

                        Where is the best place to put pyrite?

                        You should place Pyrite in the left most corner of your home, which is your prosperity space on the Feng Shui map. As you walk in your front door, point your hand to the left corner of your home. This is the ideal spot to place Pyrite. When you stand at your bedroom door, the far left corner that you can see is the wealth corner. You can also place pyrite in your workplace or home office to amplify good vibes.

                        If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

                        If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


                        Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

                        Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



                          For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

                          Is pyrite good for money? Does pyrite attract money?

                          Crystal pyrite is believed by some to possess metaphysical properties that can attract wealth, prosperity, and abundance. It is often associated with the energy of money and is thought to stimulate the flow of wealth and opportunities.


                          If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

                          If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


                          Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

                          Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



                            For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

                            What is the healing purpose of pyrite? - pyrite healing properties

                            Healing Properties: Believed to promote physical wellness, pyrite is said to support the circulatory and respiratory systems and protect against environmental pollutants.

                            If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

                            If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


                            Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

                            Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



                              For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

                              What is pyrite good for? / What does pyrite give you?

                              Spiritually, pyrite is associated with grounding and protection. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone that shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and/or energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. It stimulates the intellect and enhances memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed. It is believed to create a shield of energy around the user, guarding against negative influences and energies.

                              Pyrite helps to balance the Throat Chakra and Heart Chakra. It helps to improve your focus, clarity, strength, energy, willpower, and confidence.

                              If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

                              If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


                              Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

                              Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



                                For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

                                Pyrite crystal benefits

                                Spiritually, pyrite is associated with grounding and protection. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone that shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and/or energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. It stimulates the intellect and enhances memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed. It is believed to create a shield of energy around the user, guarding against negative influences and energies.

                                Pyrite helps to balance the Throat Chakra and Heart Chakra. It helps to improve your focus, clarity, strength, energy, willpower, and confidence.

                                If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

                                If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


                                Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

                                Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



                                  For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

                                  What does pyrite do spiritually? What is the magical use of pyrite?

                                  Spiritually, pyrite is associated with grounding and protection. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone that shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and/or energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. It stimulates the intellect and enhances memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed. It is believed to create a shield of energy around the user, guarding against negative influences and energies.

                                  Pyrite helps to balance the Throat Chakra and Heart Chakra. It helps to improve your focus, clarity, strength, energy, willpower, and confidence.

                                  If you want to learn how to avoid scams when buying pyrite cabochons and jewelry, read our “Pyrite Gemstone Quality Standard

                                  If you want to learn how to appreciate the value of Pyrite Crystal Specimen have a look at our video “Absolutely all about Pyrite“.


                                  Pyrite specimens, cabochons, carved products, and jewelry:

                                  Register your crystal shop or jewelry shop for a wholesale account with Gemrock in any registration box on any of the pages on this website.



                                    For more information on Pyrite, follow us on:

                                    Cutting services

                                    Do you need reliable high-quality cutting services for a reasonable price?  Are you looking for a service provider that is willing to develop new products according to your requirements? Would you like to get expert advice in order to improve your product? Do you wish for someone to optimize the process and get the most out of your rough? Just talk to us.

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                                    Stefan Austermühle on Quora
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