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It is a known fact: Mining damages the environment. As a crystal shop owner, you are part of a destructive industry.

What if there is a way for you to help save the planet by selling crystals? Literally!


Because the dream has come true: 

How to save the planet

while selling crystals !

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Nowadays it has become an open secret to industry insiders that 90+ % of crystal providers around the world are involved in either illegal mining or shadow business.

Imagine you could offer your clients crystal specimens and crystal products with zero environmental impact from ethical mining and lapidary production.

You can see how this would help you to stand out of the crowd, can you?

You can see how the value added to your product swings the buyer decision away from your competition towards your crystal shop, can you?

You can see how your customers will start commenting about your ethical and environmental commitment and recommending your company resulting in more sales, can you?

Isn’t ethical mining just a buzzword?

As you are reading this post and  envision  the positive effect of ethical and environmentally friendly crystals on your business you might feel doubts coming up. Isn’t ethical mining just a buzzword used by more and more crystal shops as a sales gimmick without being able to actually deliver transparent proof for their claim?

With Gemrock Peru you have a wholesale partner that is a real, registered, and legal crystal mining company, lapidary production company, and global wholesaler for Peruvian crystals that complies with Peruvian law and provides their workers with labor stability and all labor benefits any employee around the world deserves to enjoy.

By having a real ethical crystal provider you do  become part of an exclusive and selected group  of companies that  lead the way  to change the tide towards a better world. As a commercial client of Gemrock Peru  you have the right  to obtain all legal documentation required to prove our claim.

Ethical Crystal Decor by Gemrock

How does selling crystals impact the environment?

As you  feel secure now  about the  unique opportunity  for your crystal shop to  enjoy the benefit  to offer ethical crystals to your clients, you still may wonder about how crystals may impact the environment, don’t you?

1.) Mining activities involve the use of machines that have been produced using energy. 

2.) It involves the movement of millions of tones of rock and earth from one place to the other. The transport of mined materials results in the direct and indirect carbon dioxide emissions.  

A mining operation in all its aspects is based on the use of energy (as electricity or fuel). The production of energy always results in the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere causing climate change. 

3.) Lapidary work requires machines (which have been manufactured by using raw materials and energy) and the use of such machines requires energy too. Lapidary machines are using water to avoid dust and to cool them down. To transport this water from its source to the lapidary workshop and to clean the wastewater generated, we need to use energy.  

ethically produced, hand-made top-quality crystal jewelry from Gemrock
crystal jewelry wholesale

4.) Marketing activities, administration of the company, and accounting services…everything requires the use of energy, causing carbon dioxide to be emitted into our atmosphere.

5.) Transporting crystal products and crystal specimens to your crystal shop requires the use of packaging material. And the transport itself requires the use of energy ( as fuel or electricity) too. 

Everything requires the use of energy. All our activities do increase climate change. 

NOW, there is a solution!

Here is how it works in a nutshell:

Apart of reducing environmental contamination along its entire production chain by saving energy, water and reducing waste, Gemrock Peru is the world’s first crystal wholesaler that has measured its carbon footprint from the mine to the delivery at your crystal shop’s doorstep. Based on this knowledge Gemrock Peru has designed a reforestation project that will not only plant enough trees to neutralize the carbon emissions of the crystal production but will plant double the number of trees required and this way clean up the mess others have produced who do nothing. With us, your crystals will not only have zero net impact but actually help to heal the world.

Imagine now,  how your future crystal products will not only benefit your clients due to their energetic properties but also by healing Mother Earth’s wounds.  NOW you can feel  the joy of your clients when you tell them about your company being part of a  spearheading initiative  to save the planet and turn the tide of destruction, can you?

“Not all of us can do great things.

But we can do small things with great love.”

Mother Teresa

Gemrocks´ Startup Support

Starting a crystalshop (online or physical) is not easy – we know. But we believe in you and we have your back, because your success is ours.

We support startup companies with lower shipping prices. You can order without minimum amounts. We offer “Buy now, Pay later” agreements, as well as intensive business coaching. 

How can you be sure about this?

While you now  envision  this positive future for our world and your crystal business you still might ask yourself, how one could be sure about this opportunity?

Stefan Austermühle, Gemrock Peru

My name is Stefan Austermühle, I am the general manager of Gemrock Peru. I am a biologist and I have worked for more than 35 years in environmental conservation. I have published several books and produced more than half a dozen nature documentaries, of which several have won awards. I have spent my entire life supporting indigenous communities in defending their rights and homelands. Over the last seven years, it has been my dream to build a real ethical and environmental mining company and prove to the industry that earning money by doing well is possible. I stand with my professional integrity, my personal image, and all that I represent for decades of my professional career to guarantee every word in this post.

Will crystal clients actually appreciate this effort?

As you keep reading deeper into this topic you may start feeling more and more convinced Still, you might ask yourself if your clients may appreciate this effort.

Everybody in the industry knows that environmental and ethical concerns may not be enough to convince a customer, especially if such efforts may come for a slightly higher price. That is why you will obtain from us crystal and crystal products at the highest possible level of quality in terms of material, shape, and polish.

The number of our satisfied business clients grows constantly, now on 5 continents. Still, we are in an early stage of the game and you can be  part of the selected and exclusive group  of ethical crystal shops positioning themselves as game-changing industry leaders. According to our observations of the market, our clients are able to mark up the sum of our wholesale price and shipping costs at 300 to 800 percent depending on the niche they are catering to.

Do you want to know more? – Talk to me!

I would like to invite you to answer all your questions about  how you can benefit  from our top-quality, ethical, and environmentally friendly crystal products on a personal Zoom call or video call on WhatsApp, google meets, or Telegram. Please contact us by sending us an email or sending a WhatsApp message to +51 99 410 42 06 and tell us when you have time. We are available nearly 24 /7 to talk to you.

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