Manganocalcite from Peru is in high demand in the crystal wholesale because of its beautiful rose-color and excellent fluorescence. 


New Mining Operation

provides top-quality


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Manganocalcite sphere
Manganocalcite sphere

Manganocalcite from Peru is in high demand from crystal shops because of its beautiful rose color and excellent fluorescence. 

Calcite is calcium carbonate and comes in a wide range of colors and types. It is most easily recognized for its low hardness compared to other minerals.

Manganoan calcite or manganocalcite is a variety of calcite rich in manganese, which gives the mineral a pink color. Its chemical formula is (Ca,Mn)CO3. 

The Problem: A fully exploited mine.

So far, there has been only one mine for manganocalcite in Peru, which made it hard for crystal wholesale suppliers to cover demand. The manganocalcite vein was very thin (max 6 cm thick) and did only allow for small spheres and other objects.

Over the last couple of years, as an ethical crystal dealer, we noted the quality of the material getting worse and worse. It showed less fluorescence, more white chalky contents, holes, and black impurities as well as less good color. At the same time, the Manganocalcite provider did increase prices constantly. All this is a clear sign of a mineral vein being fully exploited and disappearing.

Ethical Crystal Decor by Gemrock

The Good News:

Exclusive Access to  top-quality manganocalcite for wholesale and retail from a new mining operation

Now we have good news. We found a new vein of manganocalcite and we will now provide our crystal shop clients with exclusive access to new top-quality material with super fluorescence, great banded color, without chalky parts or black impurities, and no porous material full of holes.

And the best of all. The material comes in huge chunks. For the first time ever you will be able to order big towers, spheres, and other decor objects made in manganocalcite.

fluorescent manganocalcite under UV-light
fluorescent manganocalcite under UV-light
ethically produced, hand-made top-quality crystal jewelry from Gemrock
crystal jewelry wholesale

More Good News:

New: Top-Quality Manganocalcite Cabochons for Jewelry Makers

The new and flawless material allows us to offer you now top-quality Manganocalcite Cabochons with strong rose color, amazing fluorescent light, and our usual superior cutting quality. 

Our new Manganocalcite Gemstone Quality Standard provides you with objective criteria to distinguish top-quality material from low-grade cabochons. Never again lose your money with low grade material. Only choose the best for your quality jewlery.

You can buy our finished top-quality cabochons for jewelry makers.

National and international shipping from our US-based warehouse.

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Starting a crystalshop (online or physical) is not easy – we know. But we believe in you and we have your back, because your success is ours.

We support startup companies with lower shipping prices. You can order without minimum amounts. We offer “Buy now, Pay later” agreements, as well as intensive business coaching. 

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