Stefan Austermühle,
CEO of Gemrock Peru
I need to be clear straight from the start of this blog article. I am picky about quality in hearts. Correctly done it is just such a beautiful shape. And it just pains the soul to see all these crappy and badly done so-called crystal hearts around.
This may sound arrogant, I get it. However, bear with me for a second and read through this blog. I believe that you will come to the same conclusion: a lot of what’s out there for sale doesn´t actually deserve to be called a heart. And it could be so much better.
Let’s have a look at what I don’t like in a crystal heart:

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Palm stones with a dent?
This kind of shapes I can see more and more often in the online sales. To me this is anything but a heart. Maybe “Triangle” would be the best name to call it. But it could also be a palmstone with a dent in it, who knows?
Apart of not having a heart shape at all, additionally its just too flat, which is why I do insist: its a palm stone.
Distorted triangles
One should never say “It can’t get worse”, because it can. This is a real triangle now, and a distorted one on top of it.
Triangle Micro-dents on top
This clearly shows that this manufacturer did not bother to buy the right tools. He just ground a triangular top dent into the heart using a regular grinding wheel. To me that looks better than the previous examples, but cant qualify for good quality.

The Arrow-style heart
We start getting to a design that actually looks like a heart. But for my taste the shape is too straight towards the tip. Remembers me to an arrow point rather than a heart (but I said previously, I am just too picky)
If it wasn´t for the scratch….
This is actually looking like a heart. They made a nice upper cut and tried to make the upper curves round and smooth. The reason why we only find a few of these type of hearts in the market is, that its not that easy to make such a nice round upper cut with a straight diamond wheel. If you dont really know how to do it right it comes to what we see in this heart: the area of the upper cut gets all scratched. So, yes – nice try.

OK, OK, I will stop it here. Too much complaining. I agree.
And I can hear you thinking: “Come on, so what is a quality heart?”
Here is what we at Gemrock feel a heart should look like:

Gemrock hearts aim for the perfect shape.
The right ratio of dimensions. For example: 60 mm wide X 60 mm long x 30 mm thick
A slightly curved line towards the tip of the heart.
A beautiful round upper cut (yes, we have a special tool for that)
The two upper rounds should be even and perfectly round ( like the ears of Micky Mouse)
The overall shape should not be flat, but also not bulky, but a rather even roundness.
And of course: NO SCRATCHES and a perfect polish

Our Quality

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