Flower Crystals

Flower Crystals are diamond-shaped free-form carvings with an average weight of 1.4 kilos and a size ranging from 8.5 to 14 cm (3.5-6 inches approx) in height. They have a vertical hole in the top part which can hold a laboratory glass tube, which is used as flower vase. Alternatively the hole can hold a thin candle converting the product into candle holder.

Aragonite Flower crystal vase


Price per piece: 25.99 USD

Quantum Cuatro Gratitude Stone

Black Jade

Price per piece: 22.99 USD

incense Peruvian Tiger Aragonite crystal stand

Caramel Calcite

Price per piece: 29.99 USD

Cherry Blossom flower crystal vase (cinnabrite)

Cherry Blossom Stone

Price per piece: 33.99 USD

Pink Aragonite flower crystal vase

Coati Aragonite

Price per piece: 24.99 USD

Quantum Cuatro Gratitude Stone

Grey Aragonite

Price per piece: 24.99 USD

incense Peruvian Tiger Aragonite crystal stand

Green Jade

Price per piece: 27.99 USD

beautifull Pink opal heart with perfect shape and superior polish


Price per piece: 31.99 USD

Angelite Candle Holder


Price per piece: 31.99 USD

Quantum Cuatro Gratitude Stone


Price per piece: 62.99 USD

incense Peruvian Tiger Aragonite crystal stand

Morning Rose Granite

Price per piece: 31.99 USD

beautifull Pink opal heart with perfect shape and superior polish

Pinolite (Canadian)

Price per piece: 72.99 USD

Angelite Candle Holder

Pyrite: Chispa

Price per piece: 32.99 USD

chispa resaltada egg

Pyrite: Chispa Top

Price per piece: 55.99 USD

incense Peruvian Tiger Aragonite crystal stand

Pyrite: Cocada

Price per piece: 159.00 USD

beautifull Pink opal heart with perfect shape and superior polish

Quartz with Chrysocolla

Price per piece: 37.99 USD

Angelite Candle Holder

Red Aragonite

Price per piece: 24.99 USD

Rhodonite Sphere


Price per piece: 29.99 USD

incense Peruvian Tiger Aragonite crystal stand


Price per piece: 27.99 USD

Peruvian Tiger Aragonite flower crystal vase

Tiger Aragonite

Price per piece: 24.99 USD



Price per piece: 29.99 USD

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